iOS testing in local network

Yes we have (opening local vite server on iOS and doing dev there)

Thought so :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 395602247196737546

Ok then, if I can be of any assistance just let me know

by user 395602247196737546

For the record, I’ve updated the samples project to the current exporter package version of 2.62.0-pre and updated nodejs to 16.17.0.

by user 395602247196737546

Btw, docs state nodejs 14 should work but I needed to update to 16, no luck otherwise.

by user 395602247196737546

Just wanted to chime in and report that this same scenario happened to me on a new project last night. I’ll post more details if needed

by user 300386587278049291

Thanks for the additional info. I wonder if recent Safari/Chrome updates changed things, there was a change in protocol handling in Chrome 110 that we also need to look into

Just tried here on an iphone 11 in safari connecting to the progressive loading sample running locally on win 10 which worked fine

Could you punch my phone through to your local server? :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 395602247196737546

Whew always good to hear not being the only one! What iOS device, Unity version, Needle Engine version, Nodejs version are you on?

by user 395602247196737546

For me it’s:

  • iPhone X, iOS 16.3.1 (as well as 16.1.1)
  • Unity 2021.3.14f
  • Needle Engine 2.62.1-pre (as well as 2.62.0-pre and 2.60.2-pre.1)
  • Nodejs 16.19.1 (as well as 16.17.0)

by user 395602247196737546

For me it was:

  • Iphone 11, iOS 15.5
  • Unity 2020.3.33f1
  • Node: 16.19.0

Huh I cannot open the project on 2020.3.15f (was the latest 2020er I had installed): Library\PackageCache\com.needle.engine-exporter@2.60.2-pre.1\Shaders\Editor\ShaderExporter.cs(110,30): error CS1061: 'ShaderData.Pass' does not contain a definition for 'CompileVariant' and no accessible extension method 'CompileVariant' accepting a first argument of type 'ShaderData.Pass' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Shouldn’t all the 2020 LTS versions have the same APIs?

by user 395602247196737546

Not in a Unity world :sweat_smile: I mean it’s good that they backport features/fixes but it also breaks compat sometimes

Well ok I guess just one more Unity install does not harm anyone… :laughing:

by user 395602247196737546

I dont think it will change tho since Unity doesnt really have anything to do with the server running. But: who knows

Nah I’m just approaching your setup. Except the iOS version, can’t go back of course.

by user 395602247196737546

I’ve tested some more and updated the versions in my post above.

by user 395602247196737546

16f1 is minimum

Could be clearer / further at the top but listed here :slightly_smiling_face: Needle Engine Documentation