Probably a safari only bug but I saw some fixes for this but I am using a simple .mp4 file in a build linked here that plays back okay on windows chrome, mac os chrome but on Mac OS Safari/Ipad/Iphone safari it just shows a paused frame. Some fixes mention adding ‘playsinline’?
Original Post on Discord
by user 103054507105067008
I have a repro url I can privately share to show this
by user 103054507105067008
I think this also is related to Safari only allowing videos to play back from user interaction alone
by user 103054507105067008
Please test independent of needle engine E.g. make a or Glitch repro
Also can you try using the video files from our website, e.g.
And to double check: the videos on our website play for you on iPad/iPhone Safari?
Might just try running what I have as a png sequence on an animator to work around it but I’ll make a repro project too with that file if it happens there too
by user 103054507105067008
Please test with the video above first and on our website. I remember Safari being picky about codecs so you maybe just need to re-encode into a different format slightly.
Also video sizes (e.g. what pixel size and so on) may make a difference
Confirmed yours worked in our scene, must be Safari being finicky, will write back with what we did when I sort out matching the codec and/or resolution
by user 103054507105067008
Thanks! Happy to document that better, makes sense to have a video texture docs section and a sample for it, quite a common request
For a start on this, non 16:9 mp4 video that we used - specifically square texture 2048 and 4096 didn’t work in safari, once we switched to 16:9 it worked in Safari. Codec was identical to yours already btu our bit rate was different
by user 103054507105067008