When using the local server ip address in Mozilla WebXR Viewer on iOS, the screen is always blank as it can’t seem to show the ‘secure website’ popup that Chrome usually shows when you first access a local build.
I may have asked about this ages ago but I’m not sure how to get around that on iOS to actually see the webpage… is there any way to get past that warning popup when Mozilla WebXR Viewer on iOS glitches out trying to show it?
The close/reopen Mozilla WebXR Viewer doesn’t seem to fix it on iPhone 6, trying out mkcert plugin that Marcel recommended, it is installed but I can’t seem to get rootCA.pem file in the folder printed by mkcert -CAROOT.
I get the error The term 'mkcert' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet so continuing to figure out why
We found a nice plugin for vite I sent Rob - but it’s not part of the default template because it behaves differently on OSX (requires terminal input which we dont support right now from Unity)
On Wednesday I’ll be giving the plugin @marwie1 sent me another try, there seems to be something not working with it after following the setup instructions on Windows. It’s definitely installed but VS Code terminal doesn’t seem to find mkcert as a cmdlet to run a command to get the .pem file to send to test phones
Okay so to use mkcert properly, the instructions on the Vite plugin do not specify that you need to navigate to C:\Users\###USERNAME###\.vite-plugin-mkcert and run mkcert -CAROOT in a terminal there