Https to http


I would like to use a http url and not https, is it possible to change that ?

Original Post on Discord

by user 224464722878005248

Yes, modify the vite.config and remove https : true

Why do you want to use http?

That to have this knowledge for deployment if pass it as https by my own
Thanks for your answer

by user 224464722878005248

It doesnt change the deployed application, only the local dev server

Oh, ok thanks

by user 224464722878005248

Whats your deployment target? And why would you want to serve your files using an insecure connection?

No no

by user 224464722878005248

That was just to know it about the certification on my serve if I need to do it differently I could

by user 224464722878005248

To use redirection in Nginx config, inside of server. Things like that

by user 224464722878005248

You can also install a local ssl certificate with a vite plugin: On macOS you’d have to run npm start once from the terminal

Worth noting that on HTTP you will not have access to most modern web APIs, e.g. WebXR. They all require secure HTTPS contexts

Can we do the same for local Mutliplayer i wanted to use ws:// instead of wss:// let mw know how can we approach that

by user 406778568597831690

You can add the Networking component and add your server backend url with the ws:// scheme, that should work

this my backend code using @needle-tools/needle-tiny-networking-ws

by user 406778568597831690

by user 406778568597831690

You can change to use http in the vite config

Why do you want to do that tho?

This is the change i did

by user 406778568597831690

I don’t want to rely on glitch server for multiplayer and voip

by user 406778568597831690

That’s fine but your server doesnt support ssl/https? I mean why do you want to use an insecure connection?