WebGL scene and Needle error


I have a Needle scene which I use for my testing. I then created a new scene and copied all assets from the old scene (except the Export and XR) into the new scene.

I then tried to build the new scene in WebGL, but I am getting these errors.

Why am I getting these erros, when I have removed teh Export and XR objects from my scene?

Hi, this looks like an issue in the Unity plugin. We’ll look into it

Which Unity Editor version are you using?

I am using 2021.3.25f1.

BTW, I want to finish off my testing, so is there a way that I can remove all dependencies to Needle and just compile for WebGL instead for testing?

Can you update the Unity package to version 3.48.2 ? It should fix the error Releases & Changelogs - #31 by needle-bot

Thanks, this worked and I dont get compilation errors. One odd thing happens which is that in WebGL export none of the buttons work and I cant navigate the environment. I am guessing this has happened because, I have left out the XR and Export objects.

When you export to WebGL in Unity you’ll get Unity WebGL - The Needle Engine components are using Needle Engine, which is our own runtime.

To build that you need to use the “Needle Engine” platform.


Thanks, I use the Needle Engine environment when I use needle.

Then I’m not sure what you mean by in WebGL export none of the buttons work and I cant navigate the environment. - when you export to Unity’s WebGL you’re using Unity/C# and there’s no Needle Engine code running.

What I mean is that I had created two environments one in Needle and one in WebGL. Needle seems to have performance challenges when loading graphic rich scenes. Several of models were not working (an issue that I had reported a while ago and sent out a bug report) so I was testing it in WebGL to see where the problem was.

Here is a link to the other issue:

As said in original post,
I have a Needle scene which I use for my testing. I then created a new scene and copied all assets from the old scene (except the Export and XR) into the new scene.

I then tried to build the new scene in WebGL, but I am getting these errors.

The errors have disappeared when I loaded the new version of Needle.

Hopefully this helps. Let me know if it is still unclear.

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