Sorry for bothering you all again though I’m having issues with loading scenes with needle engine in unity. I have a 3d model of an arrow with a box collider and button component on it. When I build and run in unity the model works fine for loading the next scene; however, it doesn’t seem to work in the needle engine tab specifically.
Yes, when u click play on the needle engine exporter, the tab it shows you previewing the website
I have a 3d model with a box collider and a button component on it, it’s supposed to go to the next scene when clicked
I’m using Unity Scene Management’s LoadNextScene method, it works fine in the editor when i do build and run though in needle engine port tab it doesn’t work.
To load a scene you can also use our SceneSwitcher component and call a method on it using your button so for this you dont need to write any code manually
so i don’t need the button at all correct? There seems to be a Use Swipe boolean on the Scene Switcher component which i assume will do the heavy lifting in scrolling to switch scenes
You can either use the button to call one of the sceneswitcher methods (e.g. select with the index of the scene to load) or you can use the swipe or url parameter functionality (wasd and arrow keys can also be enabled) - depends on what you need
really quickly, the scrolling and keyboard strategy for switching scenes doesn’t seem to be working on the export page, you mind checking my component really fast.