Hi, just trying my first steps with Needle. I have exported a simple scene where I am using Unity Starter Assets (Kyle robot) and a Cinemachine virtual camera to follow the movements. I have installed Needle and setup the Exporter object as described in Create a new scene from scratch from here Getting Started & Installation | Needle Engine Documentation.
My problem is that when I run play and the scene is exported in the Browser by Needle, the controller input does not work (arrow keys or any other controller input key do nothing).
What should I do to export the controller input correctly using Needle?
Hi, we don’t have builtin support for Unity’s Cinemachine package right now - please note that Needle Engine doesnt automatically compile your (or Unity’s) C# scripts to webassembly.
To get started with using a character you can download for example our samples via the menu item “Needle Engine/Explore Samples” or Needle Engine Samples
Hi @marcel , thanks for answering!
So basically all the scripting logic is not exported by Needle right? Only the assets are exported, I have to add all the scripting logic using typescript/threejs manually, correct?
Just to understand what is correct workflow when working with Unity/Needle
Yes basically. We have support for some of Unity’s components (e.g. Animator, Timeline, Particles, Unlit ShaderGraph, UI) but not all You can find an overview here: Feature Overview | Needle Engine Documentation
We automatically export assets (models, materials, meshes, animations and such) and when you have a Needle Engine component in typescript with a matching name for a C# component you get all the data associated with it (including all references etc). That also includes ScriptableObjects. The logic of the component has to be written by you in js/ts tho
Ah yes that was a bug in a few versions back caused by the website zoom (are you on 100%?) - this should be fixed in current versions. But the sample has not been re-deployed yet. cc @kipash
What do you mean by “Relative to one of the samples” ? You can download either the repository directly containing all the samples + the project we use or you can use the menu item (Needle Engine/Explore Samples) to download and install the samples package