Is there any proper workflow available or just have to trial and test as I cannot find the proper documentation specific to the sample scene or just using the components in general like the basic one Character Controller Physics stuff and all?
Yes I have seen this and able to customize this far, also tried to run my own scene it works like a charm but the only issue I have is that the controller I have isn’t functional anymore do I have to rewrite that C# code into type script or is there some way around?
What controller do you have? We don’t automatically convert C# to the web. If you have a script written in C# that you want to run in the browser you have to write the respective Typescript code for it. In that case i’d recommend you take a look at this guide: Scripting Introduction | Needle Engine Documentation
I checked the document and start writing Typescript code also place it in the correct director but after saving it I couldn’t find the C# component which has to be made after compiling maybe its not compiling at all how to fix this? as I cannot see this stuff mentioned in the doc
Did you put the code in src/scripts? Make sure you have a component generator component in your scene in that case. Perhaps try to toggle it on off and re-save your typescript file. Sometimes the watcher seems to not pick up changes. Check the console for logs, it does log a message with info when it detects a change
just checked this hahaha thanks for being so patient with me actually I’m trying to make a full metaverse experience to check its potential to use for comercial projects