FBX model doesnt show when exported - Is this esbuild or fsevent issue


I am using unity editor and have imported three models into my scene which are two FBX models and two GLB.

One of my FBX models doenst show at all and one of the GLB models replicates itself and creates an extra instance of itself which is scaled up (and shows as a huge object.)

I am using the latest needle toolkit running on a Mac (M1 chip). The toolkit has also been acting strangely for example the browser downloads packages such as fsevents and esbuild which Macos detects as unauthorised.

Does anybody know what is going on.

Hi, are you GLB models by any chance pre-compressed with mesh-opt?

Do you see any error in the Unity console when you re-export your scene?

What version of Nodejs and NPM are you currently using?


I dont know how to check if my GLB and FBX models are pre-compressed or not.

I am using needle engine version 3.47.5-pre.1
Node is version v20.17.0

The only error I get is this:

Does this help?

Hi, the screenshot doesn’t show anything related. The curl error is unrelated.

Can you send a minimal scene that reproduces the issue with your assets via the menu item “Needle Engine/Report a bug” ? Thanks

OK, I prepare the scene and will send across. BTW, I cant find the page for “bug report”. Can you share a link to it?

I was referring to this Menu item in Unity


Got it.

Hi @marcel, I have reported the bug via Unity as requested. Let me know if you have it.

Hi, yes we have it and it’s tracked, I’ll let you know once I know more. Thank you!

Hi @marcel, have you had any luck with the issue?

Hi, we received your report and it reproduces here - however only if everything in your scene is exported. First tests showed that the issue goes away if e.g. only the bottom half of your scene is exported but I couldn’t determine the cause yet.

I’ll let you know when we have a fix. If this is urgent please send me a DM with your pro license information so we can prioritize it.

Hi @marcel, just checking to see if the bug has been found.