User/myName/MyFolder/needle-engine-support-main/starter/Needle Engine Starter 2020_3/Library/PackageCache/com.needle.engine@2.26.1-pre/package~/engine-components/codegen/exports.ts’ is not a module.
since updating to 2.26.1-pre i can no longer export anything (run locally or to glitch) with the error above, i dont know what to do, as the file looks fine, and the install npm and alt-install npm and restarting unity do not help. i never edited the exports.ts file. macos, unity 2020.3.38f1
i suggest this is a 2.26.1-pre bug, since i never had this, but it might also be user error, in which case i also would be very delighted for help
Ah, I see
Can you try downgrading just to check that this latest version introduced an issue?
I’ll also check here if there’s a known issue in latest
Clicking “Create new Glitch Remix” button opens the starter file link but it just spins, never actually opens. Can’t get to next step to enter URL for the project name.
Can you try doing a context click on the “Deploy to glitch” header, i think there is an option to just open the starter project - if that opens you could try clicking remix manually from there