Hi again! Just merged together two branches, and now Iām having an issue with one file (@needle-tools/editor-sync/src/NEEDLE_editor.ts)
trying to import a member (addCustomExtension)
from another file (@needle-tools/engine/lib/needle-engine.js)
which does not export this member. This happens when I try to build to itch, but I can still run the test server as normal with no errors. Any idea why these files (which should be in a folder ignored by git anyway) might have changed? And where I might find addCustomExtension to just re-add it to the file, or some other fix?
Thank you!
editor.log message:
RollupError: "addCustomExtension" is not exported by "node_modules/@needle-tools/engine/lib/needle-engine.js", imported by "node_modules/@needle-tools/editor-sync/src/NEEDLE_editor.ts".
at error (file:///C:/Users/hans.eid/Documents/Unity%20Projects/nordpeis-showroom/Needle/showroom/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:2287:30)```
[Original Post on Discord](https://discord.com/channels/717429793926283276/1196794158938062928)
*by user 167254621973118978*