Two Needle Engine Packages in Package manager now?

Is this normal? Had this project since a very early version and always update the packages in this project, manifest attached. It doesn’t seem to be causing any issues in the project itself

Original Post on Discord

by user 103054507105067008

We changed the display name of the exporter
Actually the com.needle.engine one shouldn’t be there for quite a while, you can remove that

For projects being upgraded, is there any way you can automate that? I know for any projects I worked on this year that I update I will have to remember to do that

by user 103054507105067008

Weird, I now have this on Export Info in the scene

by user 103054507105067008

Did you delete the correct package? ^^

Yep, I just have com.needle.engine-exporter out of the two that were there, I removed com.needle.engine

by user 103054507105067008

A forced reimport of the Needle Engine folder under Packages in the Project window sorted it, signed the EULA and it works now

by user 103054507105067008

We decided against automatically modifying the manifest, it’s not a problem that the extra package is there, it’s empty from the perspective of Unity

The EULA dialog never showed when I initially upgraded. Just documenting this in case it helps others who hit this

by user 103054507105067008

I’ll check if we can mark it as deprecated though

It sounds a bit like there were compilation errors after upgrading, in that case it would probably only show after the compilation errors have been resolved

That would be useful enough, maybe some notification to the user somewhere if the outdated package is found in the manifest if you can check it?

by user 103054507105067008

I relaunched the project twice to check for errors initially but didn’t find any, will test in another project later

by user 103054507105067008

I just marked the packages as deprecated on npm. Unfortunately it looks like Unity only reads that information on 2023+ where it will look like this, and Unity will warn on project opening:

And this is what it does on project opening:

I pinged some people at Unity to ask for a backport to current LTS versions, will keep you posted.

Thanks for sorting!

by user 103054507105067008

Thanks for asking :slightly_smiling_face: