I am getting this error after needle package installed

Original Post on Discord

by user 869976161550217286

What am I missing? should I neeed to pay licence, or be reegisstred somwhere? SOrry, but really new to needle

by user 869976161550217286

Hey, you don’t.
This looks like there are compiler errors in your project - if you clear the console, does something still stand there?

Hi @herbst🌵 yes, after clearing. New scene, Sandbox(needle) I get this immadiately

by user 869976161550217286

I have reinstaleed Unity, node.js, I havee VS code…

by user 869976161550217286

It seems like missing assets, but… why

by user 869976161550217286

Can you select the Needle Engine package in the Project Window and right click reimport?

Looks like there has been an import error on the models. I’ll investigate

I cant see package

by user 869976161550217286

can try to run intaleeer again

by user 869976161550217286

Select this folder, rightclick, reimport

OK, seec, will try to makee it from scratch new projeect…

by user 869976161550217286

I have unity 2021.3.23f1

by user 869976161550217286

OK, I am getting this while making new projeect

by user 869976161550217286

ehmm, seems like probleem is with unity, but…

by user 869976161550217286

after I tried save mode

by user 869976161550217286

No I mean really just reimport the folder I pointed at

sooo… seems to be problem of unity itself, OK will try

by user 869976161550217286

From a quick glance it looks like there’s an issue on fresh reimports introduced by a release today or yesterday, will fix that - sorry about the inconvenience. But reimporting should fix it (as long as you don’t reimport the entire project)

So sorry you’re running into a bad experience on first start :frowning_with_open_mouth: