Issue while building experience from Unity

hey @marcel :cactus: it’s been a busy week and i’m coming back to this today. This project will run on a hosted server and in order to test a deployed version, i’m using http-server as said in the previous message. Is there another way to validate the build ? If the issue is with http-server, do you have a suggestion on what to try to test the deployed build?

by user 191193824372981760

i also tried to deploy on glitch and the graphical issues are not present …

by user 191193824372981760

If you go to the build window for needle and click preview build you should see the vite server starting locally for the finished build (the dist folder)

ok, i tried the preview build (with the full project) and the issues show up again, i’m going to find a case in which i can show you the issue without publishing a gigantic bug report

by user 191193824372981760