Hi all! I’m currently working on a project using the Needle Unity Package. I built a sample for testing earlier this summer and my demo worked fine (built with gzip compression and deployed with “http-server -g”). Lately i updated the Needle Package and updated some content in my demo. Now, when i test the experience from Unity, everything works correctly, but when i build and start the local server i have some graphic issues and the experience crashes. I will share some screenshot of the visual issues and the errors i get in the console (in the attachments you can see the view i get in build and the one i see from unity). The main problem is that when i load a prefab, i get a “Render loop error” and the experience get stuck with half the asset loaded. You can see the error i get in the attachments.
Thanks in advance for the help !
For any images, errors or code snippets needed, ask, and i’ll share it the best way i can!
PS: Now i also lost mouse interactions for some reason, if can get an error about that i’m going to share it.
Hi! So, if i start the local server from unity, i can’t interact with the UI, in the landing page i get the warnings you see in the first attachment.
Which version of Needle Engine are you using? If you’re using 3.26.0 preview then you want to update to 3.26.1 because this one had a bug where UI interaction wasnt working anymore. It’s fixed in 3.26.1
Yey interactions are back! Now i can show you the weirdest bug i’ve dealt with lately… The two screencaps are from the local version and from the “deployed” version (with http-server). In the first, you can see the brick wall and lamps correctly, in the second one, the wall uses an other image present in the project as normal map ( the image itself is not a normal map…) and the lamps on the wall are green … i think that’s an issue with reflections, but im still trying to uderstand this issue
hi @marwie1, is there a way to check progress on the bug report? After the upload made from unity i didn’t get any kind of feedback or url to check in the issue was getting checked.