Incorrect Texture Tiling in Web Scene

I am importing gltf files with textures (in this case a normal map) - every time I import these textures, they look fine in the editor, but in the web scene they are tiled infinitely small, rendering it useless. Any solutions? I’ve attached some images of web view, and images of the correct aesthetic in the editor:

Original Post on Discord

by user 962902844049096704

Can you let me know Unity and UnityGLTF version as well as what shader that is in Unity?

Unity 2021.3.20 // GLTF 2.0 Import // Unity GLTF PBRGraph.

by user 962902844049096704

I don’t know how, but I managed to fix it (for now) by tweaking the normal map tiling setting… It seems to have synced the changes and outputted the correct maps- note- I had to shift the transforms of the gameobject before the system recognized a change in the scene- but afterwards, web textures are looking much better:

by user 962902844049096704

So: If anyone else runs into the issue where the textures of the web export for your scene look tiled too small; the fix procedure I can recommend is to edit the tilign settings, move the object a tiny bit, save, revert the changes, move the object again, save- and done.

by user 962902844049096704

Would you mind DMing me the file? Would love to repro.
Pressing ctrl+S should be enough by the way, no need for moving the object

will share file, but control S isn’t working in my setup, I’ve reproduced this on a few different files now… I’ve gotta transform the asset slightly before the scene recognizes the changes and rebuilds the .glb (this has been an issue for the entire project thus far) maybe its my unity version?

by user 962902844049096704

You can disable Smart Export in project settings for the time being (which, well, tries to be smart on when to re-export on when not but maybe your workflow hits an edge case with that)

Will do, thanks for the tip!

by user 962902844049096704

It’s especially useful if you have many nested GltfObjects and/or prefab references as it will make sure to only export what’s changed

But I do recall that we also had a few issues with Unity not reporting recently changed dependencies properly (so e.g. you change a material and save, but Unity doesn’t see it as a dependency change for the open scene), sounds related

Either way, would be great to check the glTF file you’re importing!

This file represents the import methodology I use for almost all of my files (My workflow is: Fusion 360–> Twinmotion → Unreal Engine 5.2 to import datasmith —> Blender for geometry decimation —> Unity 2021.3.20 running the needle engine.

by user 962902844049096704

though theres usually a step somewhere in there for image texture reduction before it goes into unity.

by user 962902844049096704

I see, interesting

There’s typically no need for that since you can reduce in Unity and Needle will compress for you super efficiently anyways -
of course if you want to keep repo size smaller then that’s a reason :slightly_smiling_face:

I notice my production buiilds going to glitch are very well compressed, but this project is going to be pretty large when it’s fully built, so I’ll save bytes wherever and however I can.

by user 962902844049096704

Sure - just to be aware that any texture of the same size will end up at the same (small) size when compressed, there’s no win in making, like, small JPEGs first

(it’s rather detrimental as re-compression is never ideal in terms of outcome)

ok, I’ll keep that in mind, and avoid the unnessasary extra step- but geometry decimation still has it’s perks right?

by user 962902844049096704