My exported glb is ~100mb with no mesh or texture compression. After setting textures to WebP at 1024px and enabling Mesh Simplifier, it is reduced to 25mb. However, using gltf-transform inspect it lists the textures as jpg. I’m able to get further reduction to 15mb switching to WebP.
After I manually run it through the full gltf-transform gamut, I can get it down to 2.8mb. Of course this doesn’t produce a drop in replacement, however the lack of WebP textures from the Needle export makes me wonder if some of these settings are not getting applied.
I assume you inspect the glb after a production build? If they are still jpg it would suggest that compression wasnt applied. When you set texture or mesh compression settings they will be written to the glb on export from unity and are only applied when you make either a production build or run the command for testing in local dev via the ExportInfo context menu (Compression/Apply compression)
Cool tool! And yes I am building for production - I just used the above to inspect the glb from /dist/assets and its all jpeg, I assume the mesh simplifier isn’t running either
Im a bit confused because the “failed to reassign” warning sounds like its running as expected and the missing optional extensions sounds like it wasnt exported using the needle exporter but maybe UnityGltf directly?