Scene Hierarchy > Needle > Export to compressed .glb uses Default import texture sizes

When I export a model from the scene via Needle > Export to Compressed GLB, the texture sizes use the Default unity import settings for the textures and not the Needle ones.

Original Post on Discord

by user 103054507105067008

:thinking: i try but it uses the same code path

This is for separate textures in a GLTF + separate, not embedded

by user 103054507105067008

yes trying with your boat now here

Something seems to be not right here too

I did a screen recording if you needed too

by user 103054507105067008

Made me wonder if the exporter also respected the Compression mode being set to UASTC/ETC1S there as it was using the Unity Default import settings per texture which doesn’t have those options

by user 103054507105067008

It seems to be an issue with the pipeline after export, the extensions in the exported glb before compression look correct

Let me know if you do fix, I rely on that compressed export a lot for standalone glbs to use with a droplistener using model viewer at the moment

by user 103054507105067008

The exported glb file sizes are definitely hugely different based on the Default texture import resolution setting for me

by user 103054507105067008

sure if you set the default import to 2k then your texture size will be 2k on export no matter what the max size says in the needle tab

thats just how unity will import the texture

Ah can you try deleting the cache?

Ah, I assumed the Needle import tab overwrote it

by user 103054507105067008

Nope, the texture will be 2k already

As in for any imported texture, I have to keep an eye on both texture imports? So I might have to write an editor script that sets all imported textures to 4k tops in Unity default then I can do what I want with Needle import resolutions below that?

by user 103054507105067008

Would be handy if the Needle tab of the importer just used the Unity default resolution in that case :thinking:

by user 103054507105067008

As I had textures in Unity default capped to 2k that I thought in the Needle import were being capped to 4k

by user 103054507105067008

It will be the current platform actually. For example I’m on Android now and set max res to 4k on android β†’ texture is imported by unity with 4k. If i switch to standalone and have that set to 2k it will be 2k.

Not ideal - so far it wasnt a problem but I can see how it can be confusing and would be better if it would be the size you set in the Needle tab

I’ll make a note about it!