I have an example .GLB model with Needle that doesn’t have its embedded textures converted to KTX2 when exported - can I send this privately?
by user 103054507105067008
I have an example .GLB model with Needle that doesn’t have its embedded textures converted to KTX2 when exported - can I send this privately?
by user 103054507105067008
Dm’ed you the model @marcel
by user 103054507105067008
You didnt enable compression?
That would be expected if you just export it without any setting
Ignore the selected texture in the other screenshot, I had another file open, compression is on Auto
by user 103054507105067008
The screenshot you sent shows toktx processing. Are you sure you’re looking at the correct gltf?
Correct, the KTX processing only happens for another model in the scene, a plane with a water normal texture on it, and you can see it only runs for those water textures
by user 103054507105067008
Compression seems to work if I change it from ‘Automatic’ to ‘ETC1S’ for those textures
by user 103054507105067008
I’ll try to reproduce with a simple model
Same here I’ll send a smaller file if I do
by user 103054507105067008
Minimal repro test file, import with UnityGLTF or GLTFast and set texture overrides to max size 2048, Compression: Automatic
by user 103054507105067008
by user 103054507105067008
The output of a production dist built with it using Export and Build Production Dist
by user 103054507105067008
Automatic wasnt properly handled in this case, thanks