Can I multiple models in one file for ImageTracking?

Yo herbst, What do you suggest I do to make the models load only when the image is detected?

by user 392979063620501504

@herbst​:cactus: the rotation and clipping has been fixed :+1: but please do let me know what I could do to make the models appear only when the image is detected

by user 392979063620501504

Also there seems to be this green square that just shows up randomly in the image track, I have made the new file three times and the cube still appears curiously (can be seen in above video)

by user 392979063620501504

Hey, I used chatgpt to write some code to see if it could make the model load in when the image is detected
`import { Behaviour, GameObject, AssetReference } from “@needle-tools/engine”;

class DetecttoLoad extends Behaviour {

private onImageTrackingUpdate = (event: any) => {
    const trackedImages = event.detail;

    for (const trackedImage of trackedImages) {
        // Check if the tracked image corresponds to the model you want to load
        if (this.shouldLoadModel(trackedImage)) {

private shouldLoadModel(trackedImage: any): boolean {
    // Replace this with your own criteria for deciding when to load the model
    return trackedImage.model && trackedImage.model.object !== null;

private loadModel(trackedImage: any) {
    // Use the trackedImage data to decide which model to load
    const modelReference = trackedImage.model.object;

    // Check if the model is not already loaded
    if (!modelReference.isLoaded) {
        modelReference.loadAssetAsync().then((asset: GameObject | null) => {
            if (asset) {
                // Add the model to the scene or manipulate it as needed

                // Apply the tracked image's position and rotation to the model

onEnable(): void {
    // Register the event listener for image tracking updates
    this.addEventListener("image-tracking", this.onImageTrackingUpdate);

onDisable(): void {
    // Unregister the event listener when the component is disabled
    this.removeEventListener("image-tracking", this.onImageTrackingUpdate);


export default DetecttoLoad;`

by user 392979063620501504

Of course it didn’t work in Unity, but is this a start or something close? I don’t know

by user 392979063620501504

This is a bug with our handling of avatars in WebXR - you can empty the „avatar“ slot on the WebXR component to get rid of it

You shouldn’t need this at all, image tracking will enable/disable the objects already

but in the recording the objects load and are present at the bottom till they detect the images, then load into place

by user 392979063620501504

Wait I’ll show it a lil more clearly

by user 392979063620501504

by user 392979063620501504

Also green box is gone so thanks for that :+1:

by user 392979063620501504

Also the gitchyness has been increasing for some reason

by user 392979063620501504

Is there an issue on my end?

by user 392979063620501504

I’ll submit a bug report from unity

by user 392979063620501504

Uhh bug with the bug report? It’s stuck in an infinite loop

by user 392979063620501504

Whenever I click continue, Open Desc File or close the popup it opens a blank VSCode editor

by user 392979063620501504

Hmm :thinking:

by user 392979063620501504

You can also disable them in your scene if you want them disabled at start, they’ll get enabled by image tracking

Is that through XR flag?

by user 392979063620501504

Could you elaborate a lil bit please? sorry :sweat_smile:

by user 392979063620501504