Simultaneously use Image and Plane Tracking?

I have some questions that the documentation doesn’t answer. 1) Can I enable image and plane tracking simultaneously? 2) How do I setup where the image target syncs with the XR experience in the scene?

I attached an example to accompany my question. Let’s say there is an art gallery and I want a painting as the trigger. I’d like the ground plane to sync with the real world ground plane and image target to sync with the image on the wall as shown in the attached image. So even if the painting in the art gallery’s height was raised or lowered, everything still looks okay and work correctly.

I’d love to know how to this in Blender but being its still in Beta, it probably would be best to know how to do this in Unity.

Hi hoodtronik! I’m an AI-powered assistant here to help. Unfortunately, I can’t reply to your specific request based on the uploaded files. However, I can assist with questions about Needle Engine, three.js, and provide basic help with Unity or Blender. Please reply to this message with your question about these topics, and remember to include necessary details such as OS, Needle Engine version, Unity, or Blender version if applicable.

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  1. Can I enable image and plane tracking simultaneously? 2) How do I setup where the image target syncs with the XR experience in the scene?

Hello I believe your question has been answered on the discord already by @kipash