Hey, I was tinkering with some of the AR sites I made and combining them to see if I can load 3 models into a file and have them appear on their own images. I gave it a try and assigned a model it’s own image but looks like it is rendering all three models on each images. Is there anyway that I might have missed where I can have a model appear corresponding to it’s own image?
Link to the Demo:
Link to Blender file:
Images for Tracking:
Original Post on Discord
by user 392979063620501504
Hey, yes, you should be able to have one WebXRImageTracking component with multiple entries that reference objects in the scene.
Make sure these objects are not childs of the WebXRImageTracking component in that case
On iOS QuickLook unfortunately only a single image is supported at a time, but Android/WebXR supports multiple
Got it, I used three different components on Empties, in hindsight, I should’ve noticed sooner. I’ll push the update and give it a run, will update soon
by user 392979063620501504
To be honest we’re also not super happy with that “array of images” design right now – and I think your approach should be valid too. Would be great if you try with the array of images approach and let me know if that fixes the issue for you
Pushing it git right now, will update soon
by user 392979063620501504
Some new errors popped up when I updated to the latest version from 0.31.1 (check the previous thread I made where marcel replied) so little worried something might not work
by user 392979063620501504
I would ideally like 5 models to work in one file but looks like it’s too heavy
by user 392979063620501504
Also all the models render before they are tracked so it’s glitchy all over, anyway you could have them hide till the image is found then render on top? I’m gonna try a few more times to see if I can get the yellow model to work
by user 392979063620501504
Oh wait… The video didn’t load
by user 392979063620501504
One sec
by user 392979063620501504
by user 392979063620501504
So basically it seems to work better (atleast 2 out of 3 models snap properly) but is still glrichy overall
by user 392979063620501504
by user 392979063620501504
I’ll bug report the file for ur reference soon
by user 392979063620501504
Bug report shared for your reference 
by user 392979063620501504
So in this case your goal would be that the objects disappear when their image isn’t tracked anymore?
Rather I’d want the model only to render/appear when the image is detected, if that makes sense, but actually this too
by user 392979063620501504
I’m thinking of creating an AR exhibit with 4-5 models, not more, loaded into one file for people to walk around in a room and explore different interactions
by user 392979063620501504
So whatever would be the best method to deal with that
by user 392979063620501504