How can I generate multiple projects from one Unity file?

For my previous projects which I am now going to finish to completion, I created one big multi-image tracking which worked only on Unity for multiple small individual tracking projects which were made on blender since I needed to able to quickly jump between 4-5 files. Sharing a temp link to the current state of the project. I would like to know if there is anyway for me to create just one Unity project and be able to simultaneously generate html files for every individual model and modify them there? Similar to the link below

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Also Blender updates… are all the features released recently on Unity available on blender or do they still need some time to be added? Was wondering if the GPU instancing meant nodes were going to be supported or if I had the wrong idea

by user 392979063620501504

Here is what I found for you :brain: Discord

Hello Strifinity, based on what you’ve described, it looks like you’re aiming to manage multiple image tracking augmented reality (AR) projects within a single Unity project and then export them individually to web-ready formats that can be interactively viewed in browsers.

In Needle Engine, you could leverage its capabilities to set up multiple scenes, each with its own image tracking configuration, models, and interactivity. Then, you could use the SceneSwitcher component to manage the loading and unloading of each scene. For exporting individual HTML files for each model, you would handle the export process for each scene separately.

Here’s a broad outline of the steps you’d take with Needle Engine:

  1. Set up individual scenes in Unity for each tracking image and associated model.
  2. Add the required AR components like WebXRImageTrackingModel and WebXRImageTracking for image tracking functionality.
  3. Configure the export settings using the ExportInfo component for each scene to designate the individual HTML file.
  4. Export each scene to create separate builds that contain their own HTML, JavaScript, and asset files.
  5. Finally, handle any modifications and curation in the exported files as needed to achieve the desired presentation as seen in your example link.

You would need to switch between scenes in your Unity editor to configure and export them one by one, which should streamline the overall process when compared to managing separate Unity projects for each AR experience.

Keep in mind to check the Needle Engine documentation for more specific instructions on setting up image tracking, scene management, and export processes:

Would you like to know more details about any specific step?

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I think this gave me a link on networking rather than sceneswitching?

by user 392979063620501504

Typically takes a while until features end up in the Blender version, but eventually they do :slightly_smiling_face:

I think you may want to look into our Sveltekit sample – sveltekit is a framework that lets you add routes and generate multiple HTML pages easily, and you can reference different Needle scenes from each route