Can I multiple models in one file for ImageTracking?

Hey, I just ran a 4 model test and am having irregular and inconsistent results

by user 392979063620501504

Submitting a bug report as I describe what’s going on, the yellow loads in 2/3 trials while the brown interior model hasn’t worked even once in a few trials, even after waiting for a few mins

by user 392979063620501504

It’s a total of 88k verts and the texture images should be compressed since no toktx error is seen on blender. All models load perfectly when AR starts but I am not able to get consistent image tracking as the number of models go up

by user 392979063620501504

Bug report submitted :+1: waiting for some direction on what I can improve on my end

by user 392979063620501504

At the 20 second mark you can see how the models also somehow start interfering with the view by enlarging? Really confused on how to better explain it or y it happens

by user 392979063620501504

I submitted a bug report and will be updating the necessary deets asap incase maybe it’s an issue in my blender project

by user 392979063620501504

Link to Deployed Project
Images for Tracking are documented in the website

by user 392979063620501504

@herbst🌵 quick update, I imported everything over to unity and ran a test and all four models load, I’ll fix the alignment, I think the clipping will be solved by the camera view distance? Not sure there but yeah I’ll keep testing tonight and seeing how it goes

by user 392979063620501504

The same in blender, two models aren’t loading until I click into the white circle at the end

by user 392979063620501504

Hey thanks for the update – so moving to Unity fixes your issues for now and you’re unblocked for your presentation?

Sorry, didn’t get to look at what Blender does differently right now - probably just where the ARSessionRoot is placed, but just a guess

Still need to run some tests on unity, not sure why the models were clipping and disoriented

by user 392979063620501504

Looks like it’s doing better for now, but losing the flexibility of blender is something I’d like to avoid

by user 392979063620501504

I was able to deal with the clipping but the model are still appear 90d to the image, any clue why? This happens at both x=0 and x=-90d

by user 392979063620501504

You may want to add a parent and rotate the child of that - the object you select for the marker will have its transform overwritten by the tracking

I had all the models parented to one empty but it still didn’t work so I’m refreshing and recreating a new file from scratch while trying some different ideas

by user 392979063620501504

I mean if you want to rotate a specific model that model should have its own empty parent and the parent of that is driven by the tracked image

An inbetween just so you have a convenient place to adjust transform inside the marker

Got it, I will try and see how it goes

by user 392979063620501504

I am just adjusting the blender file right now to see if there any improvements after this recent update

by user 392979063620501504