-50 This application can't be opened

I realized in terminal it seemed to be looking for package.json inside Needle folder but not the Folder within the Needle folder

by user 269689570688368642

I cd into NewTest and ran npm i and this time my engine folder

by user 269689570688368642

takes me to

by user 269689570688368642


by user 269689570688368642

by user 269689570688368642

engine becomes an alias instead of a folder

by user 269689570688368642

yes thats what we want

which directory does this button open?

by user 269689570688368642

Into the NewTest web project folder with nested within the Needle folder, where the alias needletools is

by user 269689570688368642

thats the correct folder right?

Yes that’s the correct folder I believe, when I click start server though it runs a new install though and the alias is replaced with the incorrect engine folder

by user 269689570688368642

Can you check if it changes the path in dependencies in package.json? Maybe take a screenshot before (now as it is, in a correct state) and after you ran install / start server from Unity?

the package.json in “NewTest”

Maybe it builds a wrong path :thinking: which wouldnt explain why it works when you run install again - but maybe worth to check/verify


by user 269689570688368642


by user 269689570688368642

I tried just running npm run start via terminal in the NewTest folder and it loaded the needle engine but gives the missing camera context error

by user 269689570688368642

by user 269689570688368642

ok looks pretty identical - after is again with the almost empty engine folder?