It worked like a few weeks ago
by user 261850755751739393
Can you provide a little bit more information here?
Collaborative Sandbox
I just installed it with the needle popup
Unity 2021.3.15f
exporter 2.55.2 tried with 2.54 same issue
I just installed needles on a new project, tried my working project and that doesn’t work too.
by user 261850755751739393
Do you see those errors when running the local server or when building?
Have you tried restarting the vite server?
Maybe try stopping it, running install, starting again.
in both cases
by user 261850755751739393
Do the files it complains about exist?
What’s the path of that directory? That can definitely not work.
by user 261850755751739393
Can you check whats inside “Packages/Needle Engine/package~” ? You can open it via context clicking the package folder in Unity and then go into package~
Yep but you need to go one folder deeper into package~
- that’s where the runtime engine actually is
It’s a hidden folder because otherwise Unity would try to import all the node_modules files etc which doesnt make sense
Ok so that looks right - this is what you should have seen here too: Discord
Can you try deleting this folder: /Project/Needle/CollaborativeSandbox/node_modules/@needle-tools/engine
and then running install again from Unity?
when i clicked install
by user 261850755751739393
this is the log
by user 261850755751739393