Npm is not installed

Hello, good day. I have an issue with the “Export” file as it’s showing the following error: “npm is not installed.” However, I have already installed NodeJS on my computer, and upon checking, I have Node version v18.16.1 and npm version 9.5.1.
I look forward to your comments. Thank you very much.

Original Post on Discord

by user 761310537157312585

Hi, can you try restarting Unity?

Did you just install nodejs or did you have it installed previously? If you just installed it a computer restart may required (to force Unity to reset the environment variables)

Yes, I already closed it completely and opened it again.

by user 761310537157312585

What about this?

Even though I didn’t restart it, I just turned it off. But I will give it a try, thank you.

by user 761310537157312585

Yes, it seems that error is no longer appearing. I’m currently compiling it to test, thank you.

by user 761310537157312585
