-50 This application can't be opened

from the re-installed node_modules ?

by user 269689570688368642


if the folder then has the correct files or still not

by user 269689570688368642

you could also just run “npm install” in the folder with the index.html and package.json

can you try deleting package.lock.json and then running install again?

delete package.lock and also node modules again?

by user 269689570688368642

Yes lets try that

This package.lock correct? Not the package.json found within the node_modules/@needle-tools

by user 269689570688368642

yes the .lock file

and yes in this folder :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 269689570688368642

so afew times i deleted the package.lock and in unity

by user 269689570688368642

ran install

by user 269689570688368642

and it came up with just the same 5 files in the engine

by user 269689570688368642

this time

by user 269689570688368642

I tried to cd into via terminal and run npm i

by user 269689570688368642

and I got a similar error as to what I found in unity log

by user 269689570688368642


by user 269689570688368642

by user 269689570688368642