-50 This application can't be opened

the scene is just the sandbox template as it comes?

after again is the engine folder not alias, and just the 5 files within

by user 269689570688368642

yes should be fresh template from new scene, no alterations

by user 269689570688368642

Can you send me a bug report after running install from Unity? (via Help/Needle Engine/Zip Project) - maybe the logs contain some hint on why it happens


by user 269689570688368642

Ran install and here are the logs from right after

by user 269689570688368642

I can also make a short screen recording of starting the project from scratch and show file locations etc to make sure it’s all running like / normal / I’m not doing something stupid on accident in the beginning

by user 269689570688368642

yes you can :slightly_smiling_face: and if thats all fine it might also help me in trying to reproduce it

I restarted my computer and tried to run from scratch and took a video, tried to include all relevant details, current os, node version, downloaded the unityinstall from the needles website fresh

by user 269689570688368642

by user 269689570688368642

Thank you - I wont be able to debug before tuesday/wednesday unfortunately

All good, I appreciate how responsive and how much you’ve looked into my bugs already :pray::pray:it’s been much appreciated!

by user 269689570688368642