Where the the scripts for the included components like 'Drag Controls' in the Directory?

Hi, I have just started using Needle and I want to implement a script like "Drag Controlsā€™ on an object but I am really not sure where to start.
I have read the documentation and know how to add component scripts to objects in the scene, Iā€™m more looking for what is the Typescript code of ā€˜Drag Controlsā€™.
Is there any way I can look at that script?
Any help is appreciated, Thanks!

Original Post on Discord

by user 313149111853645827

Multiple ways :slightly_smiling_face:

Either start typing in VSCode ā€œDragControlsā€ - it usually suggests the import. You can then go to the source via VSCode.

The code when you have a web project (created a project in Unity using ExportInfo) is in node_modules/@needle-tools/engine/engine-components

You can also add the DragControls c# component in Unity to an Object and then click the blue link at the top of the component to open it

Thanks! I found it in engine components.
I not sure sure why, but the blue link only opens the code-workspace in visual studio, I can see the correct path when I hover over it and .ts files are set to open with rider, but Its most probably is a local issue with my computer.

by user 313149111853645827