UnityGLTF not using Roughness map from Metallic Alpha or Green I Blue channel

Legacy :slightly_smiling_face: they chose this because BiRP used it, and they didn’t have easy texture swizzling back then (only added in 2022) so they went with “just use legacy instead of industry formats”

I really wish they would get up to date with these industry texture standards, will go see if there is any rallying on the Unity forums about it

by user 103054507105067008

The skybox format is easy to miss indeed, one of the cases where Unity handles so much stuff automagically that it’s hard to understand why it suddenly doesn’t work anymore just because of setting a custom reflection. Same applies to Reflection Probes by the way – just that there’s magic as well as the Custom Probe “Bake” button applies the convolution automatically to the generated cubemaps.

In the next render pipeline hahaha

I can look back on old projects using a custom reflection map for whitespace product view knowing those were set up wrong :hot_face:

by user 103054507105067008

There is another render pipeline coming?!

by user 103054507105067008

Haha I sure hope not, that was just a bad joke from my end

Who knows what they’re URP/HDRP alignment efforts will bring tho

Probably the legacy of old materials breaking too but they could do a switch if the alpha channel is used or not or something to switch between ORM/Alpha

by user 103054507105067008

Unrelated quick question on this, if the reflection source is skybox in unity, no reflection probes in scene but I change the rotation or colour of the skybox Cubemap in use, it doesn’t update the reflections in the scene. Is there a way around this for look-dev? I want to rotate a skybox and have matching rotated reflections

by user 103054507105067008

Actually ignore that

by user 103054507105067008

This does update automatically in Unity, just takes a second or two until they rebake the probes in the background

I realised that later on as my laptop was chugging. Trying to match up Blender/Unity Viewport/Needle for art look dev
 is the Tonemapping from global volumes working in Needle exports now? I saw you tweeted about it a while back https://mobile.twitter.com/hybridherbst/status/1566776914328649730

by user 103054507105067008

Yes, tonemapping and exposure work since then - and they’re much more performant as in Unity. In three these two don’t require an extra pass, they’re just part of what regular shaders do

If you want to match Blender to Unity to Web, recommend making sure that in Blender you set your viewport to “sRGB” or “ACES”, by default it uses “Filmic” which looks very different

So either “None everywhere” or “ACES everywhere” for fully matching color pipelines.

Stumbled across the filmic setting in Blender earlier on a troubleshooting call earlier so glad you mentioned it

by user 103054507105067008