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If you’re expecting to see an externally imported model within your Needle Engine project on the server, but it isn’t showing up, make sure you have followed these steps:
The model file must be a glTF or GLB format since Needle Engine supports these formats.
Ensure that your model is placed within your project’s Assets folder.
Verify if the model has been assigned to a GameObject within your scene. This can often be done by dragging the model from the Assets folder onto the scene or through scripting.
Check whether the server is actually serving the latest content; sometimes cached versions can prevent updates from showing.
Make sure that there are no errors in the console related to loading the model, as these could prevent the model from rendering.
Can you please check if the model you’re trying to render is in glTF or GLB format and if it has been correctly assigned within your scene hierarchy? If the issue persists, please provide any console errors or messages you might be seeing, so I can assist you further.
Hi can you show a screenshot of the ExportInfo component? Is the server running? The scene gets exported to that server when you click play or save the scene (if export on save is enabled)
Please select the Export GameObject in the scene and show the inspector - make sure the server is running with this web project. Save the scene to re-export (or use ALT+B). Make sure you dont have errors in the unity console