Quick Look Texture Compression bug?

Seems to be the normal map from what I can see here, in a production build using Apple Quick Look, the converted model textures look ‘stripey’
I can send a link privately to a repro.
This only happens in production builds and development builds exported, local server runs are fine

Original Post on Discord

by user 103054507105067008

DM’ed you the link Marcel and submitted a bug report with the scene as there are some good test models in there it happens with

by user 103054507105067008

Hi thank you - did you upload the bugreport? Because we didnt receive it yet

Bug report just failed to upload, it was sat uploading for 3 mins

by user 103054507105067008

I’ll upload the zip it created to gDrive quick, might be useful to see why the upload failed, the logs don’t say much

by user 103054507105067008

@marwie1 :cactus: shared the link to the zip to your email I have

by user 103054507105067008


I don’t think I had this compression issue on an older Needle Engine version as I did a test export ages ago using your material change sample scene with this same model so idk what changed yet

by user 103054507105067008

:eyes: I’ll take a look, thanks!
Does the material use normal scale != 1?

Thank you! Had a panic when I just noticed this after doing a few builds and only checking Android :sweat_smile: I’ll share you the project zip too. Model material normal scale is 1 only

by user 103054507105067008

@herbst🌵 shared it to your needle email

by user 103054507105067008

This issue popped up sometime after 3.7.2 Exporter version as I rolled back to a project using that then updated to the latest version as of today and the issue only happened in the latest Needle exporter version

by user 103054507105067008

Responded in DM and will take it there - so far I can’t reproduce

Just posting back here to update there was some confusion about the reproduction as I had to update a private shared link with an older export using Needle Exporter 3.7.2 to have a working version on the shared link, the issue starts some version after 3.7.2

by user 103054507105067008

Tested on 3/3 devices here and works everywhere.
Next time you see this please post model/browser/OS version/browser version!

Okay I’m not going crazy, got home and reloaded the project at the commit I sent you the project zip from - built it at demo.epm.digital/tms/arql1 , clicked open in Quick Look then placed it in AR and the lines show, tested on iPhone 13, Safari on iOS 16.5.1. Happens when entering Quick Look again after entering and exiting Quick Look so it could be the cached model?

by user 103054507105067008

This still happens with Version 3.11.4 beta, appears to me that the albedo is tiled a huge amount in the USDZ material

by user 103054507105067008

I think this is fixed in Version 3.11.6 beta, I haven’t seen it crop up again there

by user 103054507105067008

I’m not sure why it would, but in 3.11.7 a bug with UV2 and occlusion maps that resulted in similar stripes in one of my test cases will be fixed