Just tried out the Quicklook interactions scene on iOS but imported my own model from another Needle project, as soon as I click AR Mode I get a warning ‘Object requires a newer version of iOS’. This warning doesn’t show if I remove my model and try AR mode again with just the sample scene assets - I can provately send a repro model file you can see this issue with
Please send the model @ROBYER1 , if you wanna be unblocked right away you can bisect your scene - usually it’s some object / material being wrongly exported on our end
Nothing custom, simply a gltf + separate file in the scene I have used in a different Needle project but I overwrote the material on it so it could be changed by the material changer example, will send it as a package to you on DM
Sent over DM, it seems it happens even if the object doesn’t have its materials replaced at source. Trying to identify if it is a GLTF+Separate file issue
Sent a bug report through of -ProductViewer-230621-101517_uw.zip Please ignore some old errors mentioned in this conversation - we are purely looking at the issue with going into quick look on iOS > change material a few times > exit quick look then return to quick look to see the error ‘Object requires a newer version of iOS’.
Seems unrelated to material change, simply going into quick look then exiting quick look then re-entering quick look causes the message ‘Object requires a newer version of iOS’.
@marwie1 I can reproduce this with your live sample here, simply enter and exit quick look a few times - it might not be the second or third time as it seems random for me the same issue happens the third time I enter and exit then re-enter quick look
My suspicion is we’re still caching something incorrectly in some of the actions/don’t clear that when re-exporting
(thought we fixed that already but seems not all cases)
What if the USDZ extensions are created once before generating the USDZ instead of being added once and kept in memory. Then we would make sure there’s always a clean state and prevent such cases. + it’s all short term memory/minor allocs so shouldnt be a big deal compared to major allocs (when it’s cached)