I am using Needle to create an image-tracking ar app, the web integration is fantastic. However, I am having a bit of an issue when I try to export it as an AR web app for my IOS. I am aware that it is very limited for quick look, but it just straight up doesn’t work for me. The quick look button shows up on my page and when I tap it, nothing happens. Sometimes the quick look viewer would show up for a couple of frames, but then immediatly diapears.
I tried dowloading the sample project for the ar image-tracking, but that also didn’t work. I tried this on multiple IOS devices as well.
All of the samples on the needle sample page work until I download them.
Hi, this indicates that there is an error in the generated usdz or you run out of memory. Do you have a link to your website that we can take a look at?
Final update, I have narrowed down the issue to my custom shader. For whatever reason, the shader I have on my object is causing the freeze. I do kinda need the shader though, is there anyway to fix this?
I added a hologram shader I downloaded from the Brackeys tutorial. I did change it a bit, but it mostly stayed true to the original. I don’t know if I can upload it yet.
It was the custom shader, the moment I turned it off, it worked. I just took a screen shot of what it looked like with the shader and applied that to a plane then had the plane face the camera, effectively making the same holographic sphere effect.
I’ll try to reproduce if a custom shader is causing this – it shouldn’t! (should just be exported without material or not at all, Apple doesn’t allow custom shaders on QuickLook for iOS yet).