How to use base color to replace vertex color?

I am trying to use some prefabs in my build, I assigned the UnityGLTF/PBR to models as shader but somehow in scene view everything is fine, but when I run the site the models use the vertex colors. I attach some screenshoots to show exactly the problem. I think I might have missed some settings or some checkboxes.


Original Post on Discord

by user 328144332622266369

try this setting at the bottom of your material

Thank you very much! At least now I have textures on it!

by user 328144332622266369

You disabled the Vertex Colors toggle?

I dsiabled it at first because it overwrite the color, I wanted to use the base color and not the vertex color

by user 328144332622266369

Currently as there are part of the data of the mesh we don’t strip it out, and at runtime it will always be shown - typically if you don’t want that you’d remove it from your actual meshes.

Okay, I will try that, thank you very much for the answears! :star_struck::star_struck:

by user 328144332622266369