Failed loading scene

Hii, I dont know why, but the scene loading is not working, there is only one error while building, and it don’t look really important


Original Post on Discord

by user 241452911240937472

Hey, looks like you have a property called “margin” that’s animated but only has keys for some of its values. Does that ring any bells?

I think i got it, probably causes by Unity Post Processing, Unity PostProcess is not yet supported if I understood correctly ?

by user 241452911240937472

So the error above is definitely from animation export with missing channels - would be good to know what animation/target that is. Doesn’t sound postprocessing related

There has been a ton of progress for posteffects recently actually:

I managed to find the issue with animations, this was related to some animation clip used with cinemachine, i removed them
Now the only issue i have is related to post process i think :

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'onValueChanged')
    at DepthOfField.onCreateEffect (DepthOfField.ts?v=4334a620:67:26)
    at DepthOfField.apply (PostProcessingEffect.ts?v=4334a620:44:49)
    at PostProcessingHandler.onApply (PostProcessingHandler.ts?v=4334a620:86:43)
    at PostProcessingHandler.apply (PostProcessingHandler.ts?v=4334a620:32:14)
    at Volume.apply (Volume.ts?v=4334a620:96:34)
    at Volume.onBeforeRender (Volume.ts?v=4334a620:46:22)
    at Context.render (engine_setup.ts?v=4334a620:701:13)
    at onAnimationFrame (three.module.js:27827:35)
    at onAnimationFrame (three.module.js:12555:3)

by user 241452911240937472

I’m not in charge of post processing stuff in the project, and don’t really have skills into that, but as i can see, there’s is plenty of stuff used
Some of them are probably not supported yet ?

by user 241452911240937472

I think i use the latest version of Needle, i don’t know if i can see the current version somewhere ? Could be nice to have this information in the Welcome Window at least

by user 241452911240937472

Needle Engine version is always visible from the ExportInfo component and from Package Manager. But good idea to also add it to other places.

The last version added more postprocessing support - that shouldn’t result in errors though.
For now I recommend you disable the volume component if you weren’t using it before anyways

We are using the volume component, but since it’s for testing purpose, we can deal without for now
Now i’m wondering why the HDRI Sky look so bad in browser, we’re using the default HDRISky

by user 241452911240937472

The project is using HDRP

by user 241452911240937472

In editor it’s fine, so it have something to do with the export or some parameters i guess

by user 241452911240937472

I added an Skybox Export Settings in the scene just in case, but it has no effect :sweat_smile:

by user 241452911240937472

Oh interesting. So we haven’t done a lot of testing coming from HDRP, so there may be some rendering differences - sorry about that
In your screenshot it looks like there’s post effects applied when baking out the skybox - maybe try turning off post effects for now entirely and check if that fixes it. I’ll take a note that we should check out HDRP export more

Would love to learn more about your usecase too!

Hey, thanks for your advices, I know Needle is in Beta so no problem :smile:
It seems that turning off all Post processing stuff fixes the skybox issue, but i’m not 100% sure, the skybox turned fully black, I will try to further investigate this problem later if I can

The use case here is quite simple, I’m trying to convert an finished project targeting PC Standalone to WebGL platform using Needle and check if it can be used to convert some projects to WebGL and for made from scratch future projects, and as far as i can see, regardeless of all issues i’m facing, the idea behind Needle is really interesting and i will keep an eye on it’s developement

by user 241452911240937472

If you have a sample project for us to look at and a set of issues you’re running into that would be appreciated!