okay, I updated to 2.66.0 for the particle fix, now my scene loading broke ;). As soon as I have something like this in my init scene
// @type(UnityEditor.SceneAsset) @serializable(AssetReference)
scene: AssetReference | null = null;
is get this error in the browser. I noticed in the changelog you did something to AssetReferenceResolver.
Error creating instance or creating values on instance TypeError: uri is undefined
AssetReference engine_addressables.ts:117
deserializeObjectWithType engine_serialization_core.ts:523
tryResolve engine_serialization_core.ts:333
deserializeObject engine_serialization_core.ts:359
handleDeserialization engine_gltf_builtin_components.ts:162
createBuiltinComponents engine_gltf_builtin_components.ts:107
processNewScripts engine_mainloop_utils.ts:51
loadFunction engine_element.ts:275
internalOnCreate engine_setup.ts:528
onCreate engine_setup.ts:370
onLoad engine_element.ts:291
attributeChangedCallback engine_element.ts:132
EventListener.handleEvent* gen.js:7
it works now, thanks!
Although I got a feeling that the Smart export is broken. Saving my Initscene in the editor always exports all the scenes again. I think this did not happen before. But I have to look further into it.