Custom shader graph not working

Hi, I ran into another problem, apparently the shader won’t display as intended. I did everything was recommended on the site, setting the label “Export Shader”, using unlit, even taking one of the sample shader, and use it as it was (gave me black models when played in the browser). Any idea why is this happening ? In browser it just flickers in red tones.

Original Post on Discord

by user 328144332622266369

Hey :wave: What active targets do you have?

only built in, what is universal?

by user 328144332622266369

Unity has 3 rendering pipelines: Bult-in, Universal Rendering Pipeline and High Definition Rendering Pipeline.

What unity version are you on?

okay, so I need URP? 2021.3.6f1

by user 328144332622266369

No, you shouldn’t need that :+1: And that unity version supports shader graph on built-in

Give me a moment please, i’ll test your shader on my end :+1:

Here is the texture for hologram texture

by user 328144332622266369


by user 328144332622266369

shader here

by user 328144332622266369

Oh thanks, i’ve already remade it based on your screenshots.

I can reproduce that on my end as well. My bet would be the screen position node not working as expected.

I was thinking the same at some point. But now I am pretty sure that this should be the problem.

by user 328144332622266369

You can use Object Space instead of Screen Spacem, that results in a similar effect.



But now the time is a sin(t)?! :angry: and the effect is ping-pong looping?

Usuaully the times are in an array and you can access them with an index.

Here, the other options don’t do anything and the time seems to be the sin(t) :confused:

I’ll check if this happen in other unity versions.

Workaround is to feed the time by a script to a custom variable.

Don’t worry about it, it is okay with sine(t). It should look just like a hologram :))

by user 328144332622266369