Hi! I can’t visluaze the text ui on runtime (explorer)
Some clue why?
by user 314600554187980800
Hi! I can’t visluaze the text ui on runtime (explorer)
Some clue why?
by user 314600554187980800
Hi, can you show your text component settings?
also i see some difference in editor vs runtime. It’s like the ui crashed after build
by user 314600554187980800
I think the pixel Per Unit Multiplier
by user 314600554187980800
TextMeshPro is currently not being exported. You have to use the “legacy” Text component for now
And Sprite slicing is also not yet implemented but will be added in a future update
cc @SwingingTom
I tested with legacy and also don’t works
by user 314600554187980800
Can you show the Text component settings? Do you get any logs in the console in Unity or the browser?