Webpage inside scene

Is it possible to show webpage ( simple text, iamges, hyperlinks ) within 3d scene on some canvas or somphere else?
Our need to is to show preformatted pieces of data inside 3d experience and we don’t want to leave this scene.

Original Post on Discord

by user 1088181196934086786

Yes it’s possible. You can find several examples in Needle Engine Samples or https://docs.needle.tools - you’re building a web page and needle engine is just a web component so it can be treated and embedded in your web page as any other HTML element :slightly_smiling_face:

Ah sorry I misread your question.

Thanks for fast response

by user 1088181196934086786

The sample also contain an example for how to embed a webpage tho

see Needle Engine Samples

And this video is just link on youtube page?

by user 1088181196934086786


Wow. That is what exactly what I want. Thanks.

by user 1088181196934086786

by user 1088181196934086786


by user 1088181196934086786

Any way it solves my problem. Thanks again

by user 1088181196934086786

What will happen if instead of link to youtube page set link to this page ?


by user 1088181196934086786


by user 1088181196934086786

Haha yes we tried that when testing :smile:
You can specify another webpage via a ?url= query parameter:

Feel free to try modifying the sample code to always load this page :smile: don’t blame me if the browser complains tho

by user 1088181196934086786