Text invisible in glitch build!

Ah, it looks like it’s barely visible. I believe we’ve seen that in the past. Looks like one of the characters has simply failed to run through in the SDF algo :face_with_monocle:
cc @marcel :cactus: , did we find the root cause / a solution for this? Maybe Thomas has an idea?

I think you can influence this by simply having some other character somewhere to force a new SDF generation

These are fun worlds btw @Thomukas1 !

You can also use this component on your root to add some extra characters you always want to have

Ummm what if i delete it and reimport

by user 263967078346653697

thank you very much, trying to do a scrollytelling experience

by user 263967078346653697

Not sure what you mean; recommend trying to add that component above and adding some chars. Just as a workaround. I’ll report a bug in the MSDF font gen repo

root of what?

by user 263967078346653697

like gltf object?

by user 263967078346653697

and i can add something like Ų to force a reload?

by user 263967078346653697


So basically we’re collecting all characters you’re using in all your referenced scenes/files/prefabs, plus the ones in that component, and that runs through the font atlas generator. The hope would be that we can work around the glitch in the generator this way

Obviously that’s not ideal, which is why I’ll report it as bug

aye that fixed it

by user 263967078346653697

Cool :slightly_smiling_face:

Btw that should already be visible locally (not just in the deployment)

Oh no now your “l” is missing


by user 263967078346653697


by user 263967078346653697

didnt notice

by user 263967078346653697