Sample Scenes not working properly, need help

Good morning Marcel, I’m a beginner in the Needle Engine. I’m learning how everything works. The sample files are very instructive and I understood well how to do it. but in play mode, some scenes don’t behave as they should. The videos show my results. I have the same behavior when I create the scenes on a Mac. I would like to convince a customer to use your innovative tool for the next web campaign. Must build a working demo for this. What am I doing wrong?


Original Post on Discord

by user 684154017479524352

…i use Unity 2021.3.19

by user 684154017479524352

Hi @matmat thanks for the report.

  • Sandbox drag behaviour: this looks like a bug with the input system, thanks
  • Scrollytelling: I’ve seen this before being reported but couldnt reproduce it last time. Will try today again

which chrome version are you using?

Chrome ist auf dem neuesten Stand
Version 110.0.5481.178 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)

by user 684154017479524352

Have also issued my firewall, sometimes that can be a solution. Unfortunately not here.

by user 684154017479524352

when it disappears do you get any info in the console in chrome? It’s also weird that the background is black

it should look like this

by user 684154017479524352

Black background, no writing, stop animation. This is exactly what my build looked like on Mac OS as well.

by user 684154017479524352

Do you think I could take a look on one of your machines at some point?

I could reproduce the sandbox bug at least so gonna fix that :slightly_smiling_face:

Can we do it, how would you like to proceed? Maybe with team viewer?

by user 684154017479524352

Yes team viewer would be good

Können wir telefonieren?

by user 684154017479524352

I DM you

The drag bug should be fixed in the next version

I recently saw this in Scrollytelling demo as well… on MacOS also.

by user 563549194137239552

The same issue?

by user 684154017479524352

I think so. It displays once and then dissapears

by user 563549194137239552