Problem importing mesh unity 3d

Hi ,

I am using this template , it built correctly but when i try importing my own object into the scene is not appearing in the web build somehow … what could be the reasons ?

thank you

Hi Mahmoud,

There could be several reasons why your mesh isn’t appearing in the web build. Here are some common issues and troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check for Errors: Open the developer tools in your browser (Ctrl + Shift + I or F12) and look at the Console for any errors or exceptions that may indicate why the mesh isn’t rendering.

  2. Mesh Visibility: Make sure that the mesh is not set to inactive or hidden. Sometimes, objects might be incorrectly tagged or set to be invisible.

  3. Correct Import Settings: Ensure that you are using the correct import settings in Unity and that the mesh is correctly exporting to glTF/GLB format with all required components (materials, textures, etc.).

  4. Scaling Issues: If your object is too small or too large, it may be outside the camera’s view. Check the scale of your mesh and adjust the camera position accordingly.

  5. Material Issues: Check if the material is correctly set up. Sometimes, missing or incorrectly assigned materials can cause the mesh to appear invisible.

  6. Asset Dependencies: Ensure that all necessary asset files (like textures or .bin files for glTF) are included and referenced correctly.

  7. Testing with Simple Mesh: Try importing a simple mesh (like a cube or sphere) to see if it appears. If it does, the issue may be specific to your custom mesh.

Additionally, if you’ve recently upgraded any packages or the Needle Engine, try stopping and restarting the local development server, as sometimes assets need to be reloaded (see faq).

If you continue to experience issues, please provide details about which version of Unity and Needle Engine you’re using, along with any error messages you observe in the console. This information can help narrow down the problem further.

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i think its not any of the following … the mesh is just not exporting to the web for some reason …

Hi Mahmoud,

If the mesh is not exporting correctly to the web, you may want to consider the following steps to troubleshoot this specific issue:

  1. Export Settings: Double-check your export settings in Unity. Ensure you are using the appropriate format for web export, such as glTF or GLB, and that all necessary components are included.

  2. Check Scene Asset: Make sure that your mesh object is actually included in the scene hierarchy and configured to be exported. Sometimes, objects in Unity might not be set to be part of the build.

  3. Inspect Build Settings: Go to the Build Settings in Unity and check if your scene is included in the build. If it’s not, add it to the build.

  4. Export Logs: Review any logs generated during the export process. Look for any warnings or errors that may indicate issues during the export.

  5. Testing with Different Mesh: To confirm that this issue is isolated to your specific mesh, try exporting a simple object (like a primitive shape) from the same scene to see if that transfers correctly.

  6. File Format Compatibility: Ensure that the target platform is compatible with the file format you are exporting.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, it might be helpful to share more insights from the export logs or specify any specific configurations you’ve applied to the mesh in Unity. This will aid in diagnosing the problem further.

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Make sure to either add your mesh as a child to the GameObject with the GltfObject component or remove the GltfObject component from the GameObject (green circle icon in the hierarchy)

thank you i added my object as a child in the hierarchy

see here

but this did not work also removing the component from gameobject

did not work still my model is not exported

What material/shader are you using? Is this a regular meshrenderer? Please share some more infos :slight_smile:

its mesh renderer and i was using UnityGLTF.PBRGraph , and i noticed it was grayed out so maybe incompatible so i tried importing another model this time with standard shader but also the same problem … how ever i do get an error (Mesh ‘’ has no normals. Recalculating normals.
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) ) but could not fix it …

i did try also recalculate normal from inspector but no luck … inside unity play mode everything is OK its only when exported to web that my object is not there …

manged to fix the issue with starting a new project and re import needle engine tools , thank you :slight_smile:

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