Hello everyone,
Since the beginning of using Needle (yesterday) I’ve been stuck at the web player being broken because of a script error : this.compInstance is undefined (Firefox) or Cannot read property 'pluginList' of undefined (Chrome), which makes the page only show a black background. Happening with the default CollaborativeSandbox scene.
After investigation, I found out that this happens because I’ve made it into P:/code/needle-test instead of C:/syncbox/pro/code/needle-test. If I open the Unity project on P:, the web export is broken - not on C:.
More precisely on my laptop I only have one partition, but I still wanted to have specific letters (P for Pro, M for Media, L for Local, etc.) so I have set custom drive letters to directories (using the Register or simply subst command).
The weird part is that I’ve never had any issues before, including other NPM or Unity projects, as this should be totally transparent to the system and apps.
I didn’t create an issue on Github as this is pretty specific. But I still wanted to let you know as this isn’t normal.
To redo this problem, just map a directory containing a Unity/Needle project to a drive letter, and open the project on that new path and try to play it on the web browser. P.S.: Add the ?console flag to the url to get the JS error.
Thanks in advance for the help, even if it’s easy to workaround, it’d be great to understand why this happens and to be fixed.
@totjoss would you mind checking what disk format you’re using on P:? I believe we’ve seen issues before with symlinks not working in npm on some disk formats. Also which node + npm versions do you have installed?