This project worked fine in the previous version of Needle on 3.47.1 preview
When exporting multi scenes I had a main camera in the top scene that got exported which now seems to override the camera in sub scenes so it only renders the first Main Camera in the project. I only had it there so it would render the loading screen scene between scenes.
I have tried disabling it but see where it is in the screenshot above. This also makes me wonder if it was causing two cameras to render in the multi scenes as it might have originally kept that camera there underneath the scenes.
Hi robyer1! I’m an AI-powered assistant here to help you with questions on Needle Engine, three.js, and basic Unity or Blender help. It sounds like you’re experiencing some camera issues in Unity. Please let me know your OS, Needle Engine version, and the specific versions of Unity or Blender you’re using, and I’ll assist you further!
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Needle Engine always just renders the currently active camera - all other cameras in the scene don’t render by default (this is different the Unity). There’s one exception to this rule: If a camera has a RenderTarget texture assigned it does render every frame to that texture
Are the cameras in sub-scenes marked as “MainCamera” ? If a Camera has a MainCamera tag and becomes active in the scene it will put itself ontop of the camera stack and activate itself. If not it’s up to you to set the camera active via context.setCurrentCamera(...)
I have actually repro’ed this by deleting the camera which was on the scene switcher scene and the build still gets the same issue on a full export. The issue doesn’t happen when I roll back to 3.47.2 preview and 3.47.1 preview which I was using previously until I tried updating so something is up with multi scene cameras in that version. Sometimes I can hard refresh the webpage and the first camera to load is correct but I click the next button to the next scene and the cameras all stop orbiting or suddenly change to a camera at 0,0,0 origin. This project works fine in those previous engine versions.
The cameras in the sub scenes are correctly marked as Main Camera I can confirm, this is a long running project I have been working on in Needle for over a year and a bit now that has been fine but I use it to test updates