I put the built react project in a git repository and intend to run it on a AWS Linux server,
Though I realised on the package.json dependencies, @needle-tools/engine, @needle-tools/react-three-fiber, three are referenced like file:…/…/Library/PackageCache/com.needle.engine@2.61.0-pre/package~, also I don’t see the npm package called @needle-tools/react-three-fiber online, so I don’t understand how npm would be able to npm install these packages, what do I do to be able to serve the built needle project on AWS Linux?
When the project is built you don’t have the package.json / npm dependencies like this anymore - they are then baked in one (or many) Javascript files that you can host and serve on aws.
If you intent to do the build in an aws server you would need to replace the local file paths that you discovered with the versions that we published on npm (see the releases on the needle-tools organization on npm)
With npm run start you get a local server for developing the app and for deploying you need to run npm run build:production (or make a production build from the Unity build window, right now compression is managed from Unity)
You can either disable gzip compression in unity (see the unity build window in the needle engine tab) or you can possibly enable gzip compression on your webserver (if you google for it youll find information about what to put in a .htaccess file on your server to do it)