Deploying what i made with blender

Was able to setup the addon and get the preview in the web browser, but am not sure what am doing wrong with deploying to web.
The Build development button does something… but i dont know where the files go.
The Build production created the dist folder, but uploading it seems to be not enough(attached a zip of this)… are there other dependencies?

Original Post on Discord

by user 334478477908639745

Hi :wave:
Where did you upload it to?

my website, using the cpanel

by user 334478477908639745

i unzipped the index file

by user 334478477908639745

Ah that may already be the problem.


by user 334478477908639745

The “gz” is actually intended, that’s called “gzipped files”

Some (most) servers support that out of the box;
but you can turn it off in Blender if your server doesn’t

ah ok this helps, let me try

by user 334478477908639745

so does it work locally? am using brave it doesnt know it can open the file

by user 334478477908639745

ok webserver doesnt support it i guess… will try changing it in blender

by user 334478477908639745

you can disable gzip compression in Blender if your webserver doesnt support it

If you want to run a build locally you need to serve it with something, e.g. there’s small utilities for node.js or python or … to serve the directory. But typically there’s no reason, you have the live preview and then you can build + deploy

Was just about to post the screenshot!
I think we may want to turn the default for Blender also off for gzip, thought we did that for the Unity integration too

worked Made with Needle

by user 334478477908639745

Wonderful :slightly_smiling_face: nice model!

For Unity we turn it explictly on for certain cases where we know it’s supported. I’m not sure what the default is right now for a regular build.

yes i think having it turned off might be good… but then again mine is a really old server

by user 334478477908639745

more modern ones might just support it

by user 334478477908639745

By the way another fast option to test and deploy is using Deploy to Glitch section here