Issue deploying to Github Pages

yep i figured

by user 263967078346653697


by user 263967078346653697


by user 263967078346653697

ty for help

by user 263967078346653697

Hey @marcel :cactus: did you do changes to deployment?

by user 263967078346653697

by user 263967078346653697

getting some errors

by user 263967078346653697

when doing the same thing of copying assets, include and index.html over

by user 263967078346653697

No it didnt change

Is it in your repository? Make sure it’s not ignored by .gitignore or so (you use github pages right?)


by user 263967078346653697

dont have a gitignore

by user 263967078346653697

at the same time, how would I add a banner image to the link?

by user 263967078346653697

oh shit my bad i messed it up

by user 263967078346653697

works just fine

by user 263967078346653697

im just a little stupid

by user 263967078346653697

what happened?