iOS QuickLook Integration with SceneSwitcher for Visualizing Models

Hi everyone,
I’m working on an app that visualizes multiple models. I’ve turned my models into prefabs and created a GameObject with a SceneSwitcher component in the main scene. I’ve added the prefabs to the component, and the switching between them works fine.

Now, I’m facing an issue on iOS. Each time I switch to a different model, I want to visualize that specific model in QuickLook. Essentially, I need the model that’s currently displayed in the non-AR version to be the one shown in QuickLook.

Has anyone implemented something similar or have suggestions on how to achieve this?

Thanks in advance!

Hi, if you add the USDZExporter Component to the same object as your SceneSwitcher it should work. Alternatively you can assign the USDZExporter objectToExport property to the same object as your SceneSwitcher

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thanks, it works :ok_hand:

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